Embracing Our Struggles and Becoming Stronger

“When I Stand before thee at the days end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing”

Rabindranath Tagore

Through my spiritual journey, I have experienced much pain and growth. I seemed to allow the wrong people in my life and kept the good people out of it.

I think spiritual people naturally want to help and heal others. We see deeply damaged people and we want to help them and guide them out of the darkness. Sadly in my case, these damaged souls ended up using and manipulating me.

I think we expect people to be kind and be respectable because we are that way. The sad truth is that is not always the truth.

This post is not a pity party. Actually its a post about strength, triumph and awakening.

See every time we fall, we must get up again. We must learn from our mistakes and become wiser. The scars heal and we become stronger.

Anyone who has read my own personal Kundalini Awakening knows that I went through a rough time before it happened. (My Own Personal Kundalini Experiences: http://wp.me/p36CC7-n)

That intense emotional pain helped my Kundalini Awaken. See at our lowest hours, this can be a moment of breakthrough. A moment when our ego is so small that the Divine Cosmic Consciousness is able to break through and change your life. This can be your God or Goddess too. In my case, I knew my higher power had heard my cries.

Does this mean that my Kundalini Awakening has been easy? Yes and no. The journey of my Kundalini raising from my Root Chakra to my Sacral Chakra was very intense. There was two months where I could hardly work. Also not understanding Kundalini made it worse.

When the Kundalini has rose to each Chakra so far, its stopped and worked on a blockage. With each new blockage came a new Challenge. Ive had to shed old ways of thinking and feeling. The hardest challenge was trying to forgive these people who have hurt me. Learning to love and trust again but I knew I had to for my Kundalini to rise to my Throat Chakra.

In the middle of January 2013, my Kundalini Rose to my Throat Chakra. It immediately went up to a blockage right below my 3rd Eye Chakra. So far this has been my biggest challenge. I get bad headaches at and around my 3rd Eye Chakra and at my Crown Chakra. This happens when I try to meditate. Its very frustrating. With each goal met, a new challenge has to be faced.

I know some people are having a hard time with their Kundalini Symptoms. I guess my message is this, our lowest moments can become our biggest triumphs. Our struggles can make us wiser and stronger. Wear your scars proudly (both physical and emotional) because they are part of your journey. Take this wisdom you have gained and use it through your Awakening.

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