Time to WAKE UP! WE are ALL ONE!

http://youtu.be/pIJHJzDQcRM "Please share this video, far and wide! Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia, that the entire Universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion.. And the only real thing in the Universe is … Continue reading Time to WAKE UP! WE are ALL ONE!

My Tribute to Kali, Goddess of Kundalini

http://youtu.be/VnDB31O7-fg It was not until recently that I knew Kali was the Goddess of Kundalini. I did already feel Kundalini as a Feminine Goddess because I am Wiccan and already Worship a God and Goddess. I felt her as the Mother Goddess, the Creator. The creator is also the Destroyer. I believe in Life, Death … Continue reading My Tribute to Kali, Goddess of Kundalini